Rose Petals Exhibition Media Kit

Rose Petals Exhibition Media Kit consists of explanatory text by author, then a text written by art critic and some images in small resolution and videos. first paragraph …

“Crucially Important Disposition of Fluorescent Pink Rose Petals

in Time and Space”

Opening at 7 p.m. (Wednesday),

duration in period between 7/31 and 8/13 2013

Galeriy ULUS, Knez Mihajlova 37, Belgrade


Independent exhibition is entitled “Crucially Important Disposition of Fluorescent Pink Rose Petals in Time and Space” and consists of elements such as: big format painting made using acrylic on canvas technique and ambient installation art (computer animation with light effects emitted in gallery space using a computer and video beam projector).

The exhibition is a portion of larger artistic project that has been exhibited in our country and abroad for several years now, in different versions, at group exhibitions and workshops. For the first time it is exhibited independently in gallery space. This artistic project consists of works made in various artistic techniques: drawing, aquarelle, painting, computer animation, computer print, ambient installation art, net art, and video. After independent exhibition, the project will continue its permanent expansion.

In previous stage, the project was supported with scarce resources allocated by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Serbia.

These are some of selected exhibitions and manifestations where versions of this artistic project has been exhibited or presented:

– VII and IX SALÓN DE ARTE DIGITAL /2005 , 2011, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo del ZULIA, MACZUL, Venezuela

– SAME 2011 – 4th International Workshop on Semantic Ambient Media Experience (NAMU Series), 29th June-2nd July 2011 in conjunction with the 5th International Conference on Communities and Technologies, Brisbane, Australia.

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For Rose Petals Exhibition Media Kit:


Text by Art Critic about the Crucially Important Disposition of Fluorescent Pink Rose Petals in Time and Space Exhibition


Presence of the invisible

 Creative experience of Aleksandra Vasovic is determined by two principles. One is exploration of the space in a magic of playful projected image, and other is leaning over that very world and a tendency to make it better. At the same time, she observes the course of life and presence of the invisible from problematic standpoint.

At the twelfth independent exhibition, Aleksandra Vasovic stays faithful to the analysis of her space, regardless of variety of inspiration, topics and contents. In searches through their differentiated plans and their multi-time and everlasting atmosphere, she stays true to herself, her nature and need for purified, ideal and permanent, containing the invisible element.

Artistic field of occurrence used for projection supports the fact that her art is a place and event of encountering internal and external world and their physical motions. Triggering force and power of her creation is a journey through life itself representing a metaphor (thru specific decoding forms) for discrepancy between visibility of occurrences and their secrecy. Methodic-wise it transcends contradiction of a fantasy and phantasmagoria. The projection, essentially led light fluorescent ambient installation transposes both the form and the color through a cliché creating idealizing reality as the new reality. This position allows her to articulate the process multiplying elements (color, form, light), store them and interconnect into an integer. Permeation and overlapping of the same elements created a sense of the ubiquitous loneliness, which can be translated as the isolated human existence in contemporary reality. In authentic and original way she perceives her arts through a prism of different situations, need for security and personal identity. Impeccable in finding topics, she builds her game by her own rules, in this way deliberately and permanently opposing the stereotypes of pour existence, taste and communication patterns. She accepted the challenge of expanding her arts, formulated and determined by postmodern, as an analysis of own artistic work, particularly the underlying part.

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With her works exhibited in the Gallery ULUS, the form and the very concept, well aware of the gravity and relevance of experience that she has as well as well informed artist following all artistic achievements, Aleksandra Vasovis provides answers to some questions of contemporary arts. Procedure used in work is less of her interest, whilst she transfers focus to the result of an artistic process and actions. For her as a creator it is a primary factor.

In anatomy of her work she made an analysis and determined elements, successfully and well mastered, that provides features of the media in question. By projecting her project in the space she reaffirms knowledgeable approach and experience. She overwhelms the ambient and visitor-observer with the project visualization, expressing without limitations her thought, field of activities and personal feeling. Aware of this structural, suggestive and spiritual potential she uses the power of pink color and her optimal relation with the form and restless light, as visual elements, completely equal to all values merged into good form when properly connected. The color as a dominant element of the project has its primary role of visual element and is a consisting part of iconography syntax. The Gallery space used for creating and unfolding of an event in all its dimensions is once again created by gaining features of unlimited space expanse. The forms are then morphing and inter-merging, where the following resembles the shadow of the latter. Stratified expanding forms spontaneously distant and swamp into indefinite space expanses, as well as mass presence of shadowed forms solely with tones of already present pink color, where the light and touches provide unique rhythm. This project offers vast number of different interpretations because of its symbolic layer allowing evocation of the meaning and certain analogy.

For Rose Petals Exhibition Media Kit

It is safe to say that the exhibition in the Gallery ULUS contains the abstract, history in short. Is anything is to be changed in the project, it would mean that it is necessary to redefine it, thereby opening the new stage of a continuity. Contents and richness of an artistic thought within the form of this project contribute to our contemporary, Serbian art. The exhibition can be assigned a course of recent artistic creation. Quality immanent present media and actual way of expressing, announce a step further in the same direction.

Jasminka Plavšić Djerković

Art historian

Translation by Vesna Lazarević

For Rose Petals Exhibition Media Kit:


For photos in high resolution, please, contact the author.

More about Rose Petals: exhibition, art installation, paintings, watercolors, drawings…

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