
This watercolor painting, Swimmer, was created in traditional art technique and it is segment of my art work.


The theme of this aquarelle is a female figure swimming. This figure represents me, in a swimming pool.

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My artwork Rondo, a watercolor painting is a segment of my art work and it is created in traditional art technique. The theme of the aquarelle is an imaginary landscape which consists of perspective view of distant mountain tops and the sky, the clouds. The subtle aspect of the theme is romantic and idealistic, and also meditative.

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Watercolor Paintings

An extraordinary art technique, watercolor paintings, belongs to traditional art techniques category. This is a segment of my art work that I have used for creating my art for many years, since my beginnings in the field of art. This technique is called aquarelle in French. Aquarelles are usually done on paper, with paints, and the medium is water. Sometimes I mix pencil with aquarelle or I add some accents in dry pastels.

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Other Media

My art work in other media that belongs to traditional art techniques category consists of several branches. They are present for many years in my creative work, because it is inspiring for me to express my artistic ideas in many different artistic media.

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NASTURTIUM is installation art, my first artwork from a category of new media techniques, segment of my art work for a long time. There are two elements of the artwork: computer graphics and mirrors which compose an ambiance or installation art object.

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Flying Balls

Flying Balls is an artwork from the installation art category. Its full title is ONLY THE BALL. The installation or ambiance consists of several elements: computer animation of blue balls that are moving trough space towards the visitor; then, lightning effects and real objects, or basketball balls, borrowed especially for the exhibition by the Tigar Company from Pirot, Serbia.

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White Diamond

White Diamond, or DIAMOND is installation art, it belongs to a category of new media techniques that I am producing for several years. There are several elements of the artwork, like: digital prints, computer animation and lightning effects, which compose an ambiance or installation art.

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Golden Room Installation

Golden Room installation is part of my art work in new media techniques, artistic media that I love to use in my creative practice for many years. It consists of several parts, such as: digital prints, computer animation and lightning effects, and all those elements together are composing an installation art artwork or ambiance. One part of this work also exists as net art.

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Landscape Paintings

Landscape paintings are significant part of my art work. Some are created in oil on canvas artistic technique and some are created as acrylics on canvas. I also love to explore this amazing motif in some other techniques, like watercolor, drawings. I got some very interesting results when I implemented this motif to my miniature art and miniature object.

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