Spanish Landscape oil painting on canvas is part of my art work created in expressive style.
Red Rose
Red Rose is created on natron paper in oils, as a part of my art work created in traditional art techniques. The size of the painting is large.
Tub Painting
I painted TUB PAINTING, full title: ME IN THE TUB TWO OR TOO during my expressive art period. It is an oil painting on hardboard. The theme is me in a tub full of water.
Black Mickey
Black Mickey is oil painting, created in this traditional art technique which I frequently use together with other techniques, for example, new media art techniques. They are all segments if my art work.
Clouds Painting
Clouds painting is a segment of my art work which is created in traditional art technique – oil painting. Beside traditional techniques, I use other techniques, like new media art techniques. Some of them belong to the field of digital art etc.
Swimming Pool
Swimming Pool, created in traditional art technique, oil on canvas, is an element of my art work which consists of art pieces created in other techniques, too. I use new media art techniques in my creative process, as well. The size or format of a painting is pretty large.
Red Mickey
Russian Painting
I painted RUSSIAN PAINTING during my postmodernist art or postmodernism period and during my Masters studies. The technique is oil on canvas. It was exhibited at my Masters Solo Exhibition in 1996 at The Gallery of The Faculty of Fine Arts in Belgrade, Serbia.
Abstract Portrait
Abstract Portrait is oil painting created on canvas. This art technique is traditional. I use other traditional and non-traditional techniques, new media art techniques. They are both included in my art work. Other traditional techniques are drawing, watercolor painting, etc. And new media art techniques that I use are computer prints, animation, art installations, net art, etc.
Blue Bicycle
Blue Bicycle is art piece created in traditional art technique oil on canvas. This media is side by side integrated in my art work together with other non traditional techniques, like new media art techniques.