Artistic Inspiration

My artistic inspiration is always strong and available because I feel that during my art work I am in a field or a flow of some universal energy all the time. It doesn’t leave even if I happen to be in some pretty obscure place and situations. Maybe this is so because I find almost everything I see extremely interesting and amazing. And, I have to share those impressions.

Diamond by Aleksandra Smiljkovic Vasovic aleksandraartworkcom
Diamond, art light installation, 2007


Artistic Inspiration more…

How I get my inspiration

At first, there is a glimpse of an idea that comes across my mind. This sparkle soon becomes intensive, and then I got an impulse from my heart that urges me to manifest that idea. And, I feel in my heart that the idea is satisfying, I go with it.

There is artistic inspiration always and everywhere

There are things that I have found to be interesting in bizarre circumstances. For example, while being in the hospital as a patient, just a few minutes after leaving the surgery, I found extremely beautiful and amusing some shadows on the wall. They remained me that they might be very interesting abstract paintings. In my mind, I was at the opening of my abstract paintings exhibition, while, in fact, I was in a hospital in pain. But, I forgot about the pain. I was all excited and too busy “painting” and “opening the exhibition”. Really, almost everything and anytime could be inspiring.

Everything is inspiring

Some linear arabesque in the butterfly fly is inspiring, let alone his colorful wings.

Or, a highway and highway lines were so fascinating that I prepare the whole exhibition about it. It was exhibition E75 with digital prints and animation at Suluj Gallery in Belgrade, Serbia, in 2001.

E 75 by Aleksandra Smiljkovic Vasovic aleksandrartworkcom
E 75, computer animation, digital prints, 2001

E 75

Also, I can watch TV and then grab a pencil and paper to catch some interesting moment. So, it is also an origin of my artistic inspiration.

Some artists are inspired with obscure and morbid themes; they find fear to be fascinating. I respect everybody’s choice.

Once, I was inspired by war. After the bombardment of my country Serbia for several months in 1999 I felt that it was interesting how sport playgrounds have lot in common with real battlefields. Just a few days after the war was officially over, I have opened the exhibition of large paintings which title was “Yuropean Nightmare – The Ball is Small” at Sport Café Gallery in Belgrade, Serbia. Initial inspiration emerged while watching NBA basketball match and didn’t even notice the players. I was too fascinated by colors and linear dynamics of the playground and got my artistic inspiration.

Lakers by Aleksandra Smiljkovic Vasovic aleksandraartworkcom
Lakers, acrylic on canvas, 1998, 145/170 cm


Some more things that inspire me

Most of the time, just looking at the pure color is enormously inspiring for me: imagine red, white, blue, gold, silver, black, orange, green, pink. So inspiring and divine.

Sometimes idea of something is extremely inspiring. The idea of brilliance of gold and diamond made me have exhibited my works GOLDEN ROOM and DIAMOND in Serbia and all over the world.

Golden Room by Aleksandra Smiljkovic Vasovic aleksandraartworkcom
GOLDEN ROOM, ambience, computer animation and digital prints, lightning effects, 2009


Or scented little letters which was popular for kids inspired me and inducted my artistic inspiration to enter the imaginary world with my drawings on those letters. It was exhibited in Serbia and in Paris, France.

Miniature Drawings by Aleksandra Smiljkovic Vasovic aleksandravasoviccom
Miniature Drawings, 1994

Miniature Art

The clouds are always an inspiration. You can enjoy watching their fabulous ever-changing forms and their floating across the sky and meditate for ever. And create paintings about how you contemplate about it.

From the Back-side by Aleksandra Smiljkovic Vasovic aleksandraartworkcom
FROM THE BACK-SIDE, oil on canvas, 1995, 30/40 cm

From the Back-side

Once, an empty space of a gallery with powerful colonnade was extremely inspirational. I filled a space with mirrors and artificial forest. It was exhibition/ ambient installation:

Nasturtium by Aleksandra Smiljkovic Vasovic
Nasturtium, ambiance, installation, digital print, 1999


There is an inspiring scene in the movie “Little Biddha” by Bernardo Bertolucci, where we can see how Buddha, during deep meditation, transforms his enemy’s weapon, a huge number of burning arrows, into a pleasant, wonderful smelling, aromatic, gentle fall of flower petals. The deep meditation and the energy of love were my artistic inspiration for the CRUCIALLY IMPORTANT DISPOSITION OF FLUORESCENT PINK ROSE PETALS IN SPACE, work in a form of ambient installation, computer animation, digital prints, drawings and paintings, which was exhibited in Venezuela and presented in Australia. However, it seems that there are some galleries that are allergic to this theme and this work.

CRUCIALLY IMPORTANT DISPOSITION OF FLUORESCENT PINK ROSE PETALS IN SPACE, ambiance, computer animation, digital prints, drawings and paintings, 2005


So, it is more then obvious that there is infinite number of various things everywhere and always that are inspirational. I feel very content that there will always be a source for my artistic inspiration.

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