Artistic Motifs

I usually choose plenitude of artistic motifs in my art work like: dog-tooth pattern, Mickey Mouse ears, humanoid symbolic characters, clouds, fonts, pure light, and pure color.

Artistic motifs more…

An artist combines his favorite artistic motifs to tell the visual story. It is like using some kind of a language of visual art. This language consists of “words”, and they consist of “letters”, as basic elements. Those essential elements are: colors, lines, value, space, shape, form, texture.

Art elements are very exciting. Imagine how colors can be adorable: white, yellow, blue, black, red, violet, orange, green and silver or golden.

I love colors

When I paint, I am mesmerized by just seeing a paint squeezing out of a tube. I think this is a pure perfection. It is enough to make me forget that anything else exists.

Artistic Motifs Aleksandra Smiljkovic Vasovic aleksandraartworkcom


Once, just a glimpse of an idea of golden color made me create an artwork GOLDEN ROOM. My adoration for fluorescent fuchsia is obvious in CRUCIALLY IMPORTANT DISPOSITION OF FLUORESCENT PINK ROSE PETALS IN SPACE. Then, I worshiped green energy in NASTURTIUM, or blue in ONDULAZIONE. All those artworks are at the same time ambience, artistic installation, digital art, net art, computer animations.

Elements form sentences

To animate colors and other elements to dance and play, I structure them in “sentences”, which become my artistic motifs, like dogtooth pattern, clouds, stylized facial features, and other. Those structures have various purposes.

Dog-tooth pattern and contrast

For example, a dog-tooth pattern can refer to a contrast that is crucial to life force to expand. Everything emerges from a contrast. Contrast is typical for our third dimension of existence. And dog-tooth pattern is a way for me to say trough my art that the contrast should be beautiful. The elements of dog-tooth pattern are compatible, like yin and yang symbol. They are not opposites, but forces and energies that exist simultaneously.

Tub-Painting by Aleksandra Smiljkovic Vasovic aleksandraartworkcom
ME IN THE TUB TWO OR TOO, oil on cardboard, 1993, 65/92 cm


Combinations of motifs

My artistic motifs are often combined in imaginary scenes that embody the essence of my original idea.

On my drawings and paintings many times there are expressions of faces or portraits of some universal cartoonish humanoid characters, but with their own soul and psychology.

Sometimes there are fonts as motifs which transmit some messages.

I also like landscapes made from my artistic motifs. Those landscapes are imaginary. They consist of scenes of distant mountain spaces, sky, clouds, or sea and beaches. Those scenes maybe exist on Earth, or on some other planet, who knows? They surely exist in my artistic universe, on my oil or acrylic paintings and drawings, watercolors.

Timeless realms are one of my favorite motifs. Eternity is really fascinating. It is so natural and real for all of as. When I combine motifs and art techniques from different epochs, I am not far away from the idea of time as non-linear.

Motifs like light and lightning effects are simply irresistible. Who can not love a calm omnipresent impression of universal light or sparkling light which makes each instant absolutely unique. I often like to use those motifs in my ambiences or artistic installations.

Waves are also motifs that I love. I paint, draw or make computer animations about see or waves. Mountains on the horizon are also waving. Waves are good to express my adoration to vibrant energy of everything that exists. Vibrations and frequencies are so amusing to be used for my artistic play.

Flowers are the motif that I use, too.

There is one favorite motif in my visual art that is, in fact, invisible. I think that the title of my artworks can be a legitimate motif. It usually comes after the artwork is finished. It is so because I don’t intent to illustrate some predominant idea or concept. I first act under the influence of forces and energies that urge me to make an artwork. After the work is complete, the perfect title of an artwork spontaneously and easily pop-ups in my mind. It looks like it is said to me what was the theme of my artwork was about.

There is infinite number of combinations of visual elements. Each artist is more familiar with a specific group of them, as a characteristic of an artistic style. This is a beauty of variety of all the different artists on this planet. You can always relate to some artist or many of them if you love their artistic motifs.

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