Oil painting Autumn Landscape is created in traditional art technique and is a segment of my art work. New media artworks which are not part of traditional media are also element of my artistic production.
Pink Landscape
Pink Landscape is oil painting. Creating in this traditional art technique is a part of my art work, because I also use new media art techniques.
Garden Pavillion
Garden Pavillion is created as oil on canvas painting, in traditional art technique, as a segment of my art work.
SURFER is segment of my art work, created in oil painting traditional art technique. Since enjoying the color and its energy is my primary motivation, it is obvious that I will never abandon painting as an artistic approach.
Ball Painting
I painted BALL PAINTING, full title THE BALL IS SMALL, in acrylic on canvas technique while I was in post postmodernist art or postmodernism period. Continue reading “Ball Painting”
I painted LAKERS during my postmodernist art or postmodernism phase in acrylic on canvas technique.
Silver Mountains
Silver Mountains is acrylic painting, segment of my art work which is created in traditional art techniques.
Figure Drawing
I used figure drawing more frequently in earlier stages of my art work. I used to create a large number of croquis and studies of a live model when I was an art student.
Nude Study
Nude Study belongs to art drawings category, a segment of my art work in traditional artistic media. It is created in charcoal on natron paper technique.
Still Life
Still Life is a study drawing, a segment of my art work and a part of traditional art technique category. The study is created in 1989, when I was a first grade student at the Academy or Faculty of Fine Arts in Belgrade. Drawing studies was a part of a first grade studies program. It was created in a charcoal on natron paper technique, and its dimensions are 150×178 cm.