Swedish Painting is a part of a group of art works – oil paintings exhibited in 1996 at my solo exhibition at the Gallery of Fine Arts in Belgrade, Serbia as a part of my final exam of my Master of Fine Arts studies.
Swedish Painting
The size of the painting is medium. It was created in postmodernist art or postmodernism style or more precisely this is the central or the most prominent phase of the style. The style is characterized by implementing typical elements like: dog-tooth pattern, simplified forms like clouds, cartoonish characters etc.
One of my favorite and most inspiring motifs or concepts is used here: the layers.
I love using layers in my artistic creation. In some way, they refer to a concept of a big picture, some kind of a different perspective. A need to comprehend and grasp all the aspects of the whole is obvious and of course, natural.
The layers remind me on thoughts and how the freely and spontaneously flow out there, somewhere: all kinds of thoughts, with all the variety of colors, shapes, form and so on.
Although the layers usually indicate the presence of the third dimensions, they are incorporated in my art works created in 2D, but also in other types of works like computer animations, art installations or ambiences etc.

Contemplating about thoughts triggers a thought that pops up in my mind, and it is my favorite kind of thoughts – funny thought! The funny thought is about Eurosong or Eurovision Song Contest. My thoughts about the Eurovision Song Contest are so joyful and positive. This manifestation reminds me on my childhood. I remember ABBA, extremely popular Swedish pop-band. They were winners of the Eurovision back in 1974 with their song “Waterloo”.
On of my favorite entries of the Eurovision from 1984 is pop group Herreys, who was also the winner of the contest coming from Sweden, with the song “Diggi-Loo Diggi-Ley”. They were one of the most hilarious experiences in my life. I am so grateful o them because I deeply appreciate and treasure such positive states of being.
The combination of reminiscences of the Eurovision, its glow and sparkle, as well as its many hilarious entries is surely associated with joy as a source that influenced my approach to art work.
Naturally, this painting is no exception, joyful reason for selecting this specific title for this artwork is quite obvious, and I’d picked this one: Swedish Painting.