SURFER is segment of my art work, created in oil painting traditional art technique. Since enjoying the color and its energy is my primary motivation, it is obvious that I will never abandon painting as an artistic approach.
This artwork is an example of the influence of the contemporary life (and its facilities) on artistic inspiration. I will explain further in what way I was inspired to re-create one initial impulse into the work of art.
On one occasion, while surfing the internet, I stumbled upon a YouTube video showing the best ocean wave surfing in the world. Actually, the video was about the giant ocean wave, and a miniature figure of man, surfing, of course.
I loved this video so much because of the energy and sound of waves, the deep blue color of water. Anyway, the color and the energy of water is one of my typical motifs and inspirations.
The size of computer monitor is not big, but I was still animated by the scene. The size of my painting is rather small, too. The size of a media was not the crucial factor in transmitting the power of the waves and the emotion of a figure and an observer. Still, it is a good idea to re-create the scene once again, on the giant canvas, this time.
Again, the motif of the waves and their energy is very frequent in my art work. It is always very inspiring motif for me to create miniature art, drawings, works on paper, paintings, watercolors, ambient art installations, computer animations etc.

It was interesting for me to enjoy creating a painting with a human figure and its correlation to a huge blue form and energy, or the energy of pure nature. This relationship between a human and a nature is really fascinating.
Some trivia: once back in March 2011 my friend and I were commenting this painting. Naturally, the energy of waves was part of our conversation. We’ve been discussing the phenomenon of tsunami and were wandering which was the height of the tsunami wave. Unfortunately, we got the information in a pretty bizarre way. A few hours later, the great earthquake and tsunami stroke Japan, and we got extremely precise result on our quest.
It reminded me to make sure to name my paintings and other art works in a very benevolent way. I believe it is a better alternative to give the frequencies and energies positive connotations and meanings.
The name of this small painting is about the man and the circumstances here on planet Earth. I feel it is better to learn and remember to enjoy every moment here in our lives, just like surfer.