I use several art techniques in my art work, like oil painting, acrylic painting, drawing, watercolor, installation art, computer animation, ambiance, digital prints, net art…It is obvious that I don’t hesitate to use both traditional and new media techniques. This is so because I don’t like to be restricted just to one or a few of them. I am not happy in restrictive mode.
Abundance of art techniques of expression
Fortunately in contemporary world, there is abundance of techniques and ways available for everybody for expressing all sorts of ideas. It is amazing that the source of abundance is not accessible only for artists. Literary everyone can enjoy it and choose adequate way of expression. But, it is much better if we remember to play and be joyful.
Art work is like a playground for me. It allows me to be free as a child. Imagine a child in a toy store full of many wonderful toys. That’s how I feel about those techniques. I love many of them. But, it is easy for me now because there are so many years of learning and practice behind me.
How to choose which technique is the best
In fact, I don’t really have to choose in advance which technique is the best before I have an inspiration or idea what to create. I don’t have to make a predominant plan that I am going to use some specific technique first, and then try to squeeze some motif or idea into this technique.
Instead, I prefer to always listen to my heart very carefully. It is a source of my inspiration, and this is the place where I always inspect if my choices are valid or not. And it isn’t only applicable to art.
In the field of visual art the process of choosing the adequate techniques is working in the following way: after my idea is properly valuated and passes the test, it becomes vivid and I have a vision which technique or techniques are the most applicable to manifest the idea.
One- technique approach
Some ideas exist perfectly comfortable in one specific technique, like the following oil painting:

private collection
Or in monumental charcoal study:

Multi-technique approach
Sometimes I feel that an idea can be expressed in many different techniques. For example, I first make a computer animation, and then other versions are its derivations. This principle was implemented to the following art works: CRUCIALLY IMPORTANT DISPOSITION OF FLUORESCENT PINK ROSE PETALS IN SPACE, GOLDEN ROOM, DIAMOND…
Each art work is unique
Certainly, each work has its own original story, and I will tell some of them.
I am grateful that in modern days there are so many available art techniques.