Abstract Portrait is oil painting created on canvas. This art technique is traditional. I use other traditional and non-traditional techniques, new media art techniques. They are both included in my art work. Other traditional techniques are drawing, watercolor painting, etc. And new media art techniques that I use are computer prints, animation, art installations, net art, etc.
Abstract Portrait
The format of the painting is medium and it is not decorative framed. Of course, canvas is framed on stretcher frame.
The painting is the example of my version of the postmodernist art or postmodernism style in its full potential. It is correct to say that this phase can be classified as a central part of my postmodernist art or postmodernism period.
Many elements of this style are incorporated in this artwork – repetitive forms, like dog-tooth pattern, clouds, etc. Cartoonish style, fictional characters are also characteristics of the style.

Central theme of the painting is a portrait of some person from my imagination or a combination of persons that I can not confirm ever existed.
It is not incorrect if I say that the painting is a presentation of the sculpture, or a relief , or a medallion of somebody’s bust.
This so called portrait is some kind of a mirror. It mirrors author’s emotions, passions, contemplations, thoughts. Author’s internal world is completely exposed, as always.
Still, the painting is also mirroring the person watching it.
It’s just a common rule in the world of art and abstract art.
And, sure, before I felt confident enough to create abstract art, I needed to make sure that I had mastered creating absolutely anything I want in realistic and figurative painting.
I feel this is a mandatory step for visual artist, to be talented and skilful to paint in figurative and realistic style. Then if you like, create anything you like.
Abstract art was a perfect polygon for me to create some fictional character or some character’s abstract portrait.