You about Art Section of my blog is a place where art professionals and art lovers are more then welcome to contribute to this precious art community with sharing their ideas, thoughts, opinions, attitudes, statements, theories, impressions and so many other things about art.
You are also welcome to share your impressions about art that I create. It is so exciting to learn what art lovers feel about my art work.
The idea of this section of the website is to create a special space or a community where both writers who write about various forms and aspects or branches of art and wonderful people who love art and love to read about art meet.
Art is very powerful link which brings together various kinds of open-minded people. Great!

Art is Pure Energy
Art is evidently an aspect of life which is in fact essential.
Can you imagine a world without art or artists?
It is really not possible to live without a soul, and consequently, not possible to live in a world where art does not exist, because art is pure representation or pure expression or extension of our souls.
Art Transforms
Through art we clean and transform our energy into positive outcome.
Art rises our vibration. To create art, you obviously must reside in the field of highest possible vibration and frequencies.
By consuming or observing art, you have no other option but to rise your vibration, it is inevitable.
Which Kind of Contributions
You about Art
Here, at You about Art section of and under the ‘your pages’ category, you are welcome to share your material from the following fields of arts:
-fine art
-visual arts
-contemporary art
-other similar fields of visual arts
How to Contribute
At this hub page, there are links to you introductory page of your sub blog.
You can create as many sub blogs you want.
You can post as many posts at your sub blog as you like.
You can add updates and posts on your sub blog whenever you want.
For submitting a sub blog propositions and for detailed instructions, ask here.
Instructions for Bloggers
First page of your blog is introductory page where you explain your readers and followers who are you, what is your blog about, and so on.
For getting detailed instructions: ask here.
At the end of introductory page or first page of your blog, there is a simple form you use every time you post and update the blog.
All material you post on your sub blog will be revised and eventually approved by the editor of
This editing process typically takes up to 2-3 working days to be completed.
Links to Sub Blogs
coming soon
Welcome (again)
You are warmly welcome to join as at this art community and enjoy contributing and sharing material about art here at this You about Art section.
This is what Dragan has said in his you about art comment…
I really liked your art work and what you had written on your website. I liked both your art and your attitude towards it.
I am not a professional in the field of visual arts; still, I can say that I liked your artworks. I can’t explain and analyze what exactly I liked, but I am sure that I love very much the colors you use.
Also, I like very much what you’ve said about art…Especially when you have said that everything can become art. I must say that I agree with you.
Maybe I can say that I am an artist, as well. I am not professional, though. I know much more about music then about visual art or other arts.
I am playing a guitar. I used to play in some rock bands. Now, I love to play classical music. I even have my own YouTube channel. There are many clips with me playing classical music on acoustic guitar.
Dragan Djordjevic
Thank you!
I am glad that you like my art work and my thoughts about art.
Really, everything can become art if you observe consciously with the full attention and from your heart.
It is OK if you feel visual art intuitively. One part of artwork always “legitimately” belongs to observers or art lovers. They are absolutely free to interpret it in their own way. This is why art and artworks are so powerful and alive and have their own independent life once they are manifested from the realm of initial ideas into reality and in third dimension.
I have listened to you playing the guitar. I liked it, you are very good musician, emotional and sensitive. I love music, too. I used to play the piano. I love music and art so much.