This watercolor painting, Swimmer, was created in traditional art technique and it is segment of my art work.
The theme of this aquarelle is a female figure swimming. This figure represents me, in a swimming pool.
I had got a multiple strikes of inspiration before the idea of creating an artwork crossed my mind. After the process of multiple inspirational strikes, I had come to a final stage of inspiration process, to it’s highlight, a kind of a grand finale of inspiration.
So, obviously, this artwork is a result of a list of inspiring moments that lasted for almost two decades.
When I was a little girl, my mother had frequently expressed her great admiration for the anthological movie Bathing Beauty. She was a huge fan of famous actress and former swimmer Esther Williams. She had watched a movie in full color at a cinema or theater when she was a school girl. I had heard her talking about the movie with great excitement. But, I didn’t have an opportunity to watch the film at the cinema, and video recorders, DVD or YouTube didn’t exist back then.
And, finally, I was still a school girl, and had an opportunity to watch the movie on TV. But, the TV set was black-and-white. Color TV sets were not yet widely used. So I had to imagine all the wonderful colors from the original version. I didn’t care at all what was the plot, because I was only interested in Esther and synchronised swimming. Later I have watched the color movie on TV.

When I was an art student, I have bought fluorescent fuscia sports swimming suit and a fluorescent green swim cap. I didn’t have an opportunity to practice synchronized swimming, but, I have found an interesting way to compensate it. Esther had a swimming pool and Hollywood by her side, but I had my brushes and paints!
So, in the final phase of the inspirational process, I created, in no more then a few minutes, my watercolor painting. It indicates how to swim through circumstances, and explains that you have to enjoy to be a Swimmer.