Oval paintings are segment of my art work created using both traditional and new media art techniques.
I love to create artworks – oil or acrylic paintings, watercolor paintings, drawings or other works on paper using this charming oval form. When choosing a technique to create piece of art, the criteria is my feeling which art technique is the most adequate to bring my idea to life.
Oval shape
I find this oval form very attractive. It is cute, and has some vintage style attributes, like refinement. Therefore it is romantic, stylish, elegant, and classy. It is classic, I like that. Like a medallion, a pendant for some beautiful necklace. Only in this case the pendant is huge, monumental, it is magnified and presented on the wall, in the spotlight.
Oval Watercolor – Ellipse
Obviously, this abstract painting created in refine oval shape presents the romantic motif of roses. The roses feel cozy comfortably framed here spreading coziness all over the place…

Oil on Canvas Oval Painting
This artwork is created in the later stage of my postmodernist art or postmodernism style and many elements of this style are present here: dog tooth pattern, bright pastel color palette and so on.

The motif is sea or river or lake or pond shore observed from the birds’ point of view.
The motif of the painting is one of my favorite themes that represents free high flights over deep depths. Or in this case various levels of depths and subtle variations in frequencies and vibrations.
All that while remaining still.

All those concepts I have mentioned are entirely spiritual, but I choose them spontaneously with my heart, and not via some premeditated calculations which represent the intention to preach and so on.
I cannot create premeditated artworks prepared calculatingly. And art is not only and exclusive idea to live this concept or more precise this state of consciousness. I never exist outside the Truth. I, as a person or identity, am totally absorbed by Truth and just spontaneously play within this limitless state. In fact, I become allergic when detect premeditated calculations and actions in my presence.
Artist in her art studio
See also online galleries:
– drawings
The Title
When the painting was finished it was obvious for me that it represented the shore of river or sea or most likely the coast of ocean.
Interestingly, some of my friends who had seen the painting had other ideas. It reminded them on egg: Easter Egg or maybe on Shiva Lingam Egg, holly sacrament from Hindu spiritual iconography.
So, obviously, the spiritual aspect of this artwork is instantly perceived.
Being in a Flow (All the Time)
Again, it was not my intention to illustrate spirituality. I don’t like those naive calculations. I am always in a flow and respond spontaneously.
And, while writing about the painting, my motifs and inspiration, I enjoyed more insights about my awareness as spiritual content.
So, evidently, everything is nothing but pure awareness, including the works of art, like oval paintings.