Digital art is a mutual name for several new media art techniques that I love to use; it is a segment of my art work. I use computer technologies in my art practice since 1995.
There are some digital techniques that were inspiring for me to incorporate them in my art creation.
I began creating computer art after I have graduated from the Faculty of Fine Arts in Belgrade. There was a free course for computer design and the artists were part of that program. Since I am enormously curious I simply couldn’t wait to find out if there was anything in the field of technology and electronics that might be interesting for me. Some invisible energy was assisting me, because this one year computer design course was not only free, but I actually got paid to attend it.
Once again I had to point out how much I like rapid artistic methods. I love to be able to see my ideas manifested as quickly as possible.

Digital Art more…
So, when the course began, I immediately discovered that computer technology not only allows me to create quickly, but it offers a new extraordinary potential. For example, there were delightful colors, like sparkling and glowing golden, silver and fluorescent colors. Besides that, there were other options, like using special brushes. It enables you to draw using some previously created objects.
I also enjoyed playing with lightning effects, then with transparency of different layers and so on. I was free to exaggerate as much as I like in implementing all the potential of the computer technology in the broader field of visual art. Of course I had fallen in love with this playful aspect of digital art. It became equally important part of my art work as creating in other traditional art techniques. In some occasions, this segment of my art was dominating the other ones. Back then in 1995 computer art was not very popular; even worse, it was considered to appear some kind of obnoxious artistic attitude. Of course, I didn’t give a damn. As always, I couldn’t help but following my bliss and my heart and continue enjoying to do what’s joy and fun for me.
Besides art installations and digital prints, there are many more computer art techniques that I use in my art work.
I have created a large number of computer drawings using digital technology. Some of them were used as an element of a more complex artwork or art project, like art installations (ambiences) or as a part of computer animations (like Rose Petals Animation…). I also created some 3D models and scenes and incorporated them into art installations and animations.
There are also computer manipulated images as a part of this digital art category.
I also created many interesting digital illustrations, for books, for example; or characters and designs for computer games, or web template design.
An important part of my computer art is net art, where my net art works are presented on another artistic website.
Computer technology and new media art techniques that I use are not incompatible with traditional art techniques. Sometimes it is very interesting to mix them.
Of course, I don’t tend to impress or please anybody (except me) with my art work or with the selection of art techniques which I use.
I have one desire and it is to enjoy expressing myself (or Self, or…).
If somebody else is enjoying my art work, too, it’s fantastic.
So, I am happy to invite you to explore further this aspect of my expression, a.k.a art work – digital art.