Bowie Painting, or just “Bowie”, is part of serial of paintings with the similar title and they refer in some way to a musician David Bowie. But, the point is, those paintings are not paintings about the music star. There are some details on those artworks that could refer to him. They are created in oil on canvas technique which is a segment of my art work.
Bowie Painting
The size of a painting is not very large. There are a lot of my typical motifs from my postmodernist art or postmodernism style incorporated as elements on this painting. The motifs are: dog-tooth pattern, clouds and cartoonish characters. The colors of the painting are also typical, bright and pure, distinctive.
The title of the painting is not literally referring to a person, a famous and exceptional musician; it is some kind of anecdotal gesture. It has been chosen after the painting was finished and the idea of selecting this specific title emerged logically. The reason for this is that eyes of the fictional character created on the painting are of different color, just like rock star’s eyes.

But, there was another reason that was interesting for me to pay attention to this particular detail from the painting – the eyes.
I often use the eyes as a symbol on my paintings.
I feel that there is a reversible process or the exchange between the work of art and the person who observes it. There is some kind of interaction. In fact, it is true that the work of art in visual arts can not exist without the observer; it is meaningless, if there is nobody to actually see it, to observe it. There is an exchange of energy between the art piece and the observer. The artwork affects the person who is a preceptor, and vice-versa.
This particular painting and many others that I have created suggest that there is some kind of energy that is flowing from the direction of artwork towards its observer. Are the observers of my artwork aware of the flow of energy coming on their way from the artwork? Maybe the idea of painting looking at you through the eyes of some fictional character created on the painting can be an adequate assistance for you?
Really, everything we observe is there only because we are there to observe it with our senses. The objects of art are included, no exceptions.
Another interesting thing is that everything we see and observe is a reflection of our inner world. It is similar to watching your reflection in the mirror. The object of art is some kind of mirror, too. But, this “mirror” is created to “mirror” its authors’ internal world. And, when you are observing the work of art, you are observing both yours and authors’ private universe.
It is fun to contemplate about these concepts.
One of the options is to start with a thought about the clouds (they are on this painting), then see where this journey can take you.
Clouds, eyes, thoughts, and – Bowie Painting.