Black Mickey is oil painting, created in this traditional art technique which I frequently use together with other techniques, for example, new media art techniques. They are all segments if my art work.
Black Mickey
The size of this painting is medium.
This painting is the first painting in a row which represents a specific style which can be classified as a transition between two styles: expressive style and postmodernist art or postmodernism. There are some attributes of this phase of my art work which still belong to the preceding style. But, some new elements emerged, too. There are also characteristics that are typical for me, no matter what artistic style or media is currently in use in my creative artistic process. Those elements are essential for my general artistic voice. They are: bright intensive colors that I use, rather rapid creative process, passionate creation, powerful emotions etc.
Visual elements that characterize my expressive style and which were still present are vivid and playful brush movements.
Some new visual elements from the following postmodernist art or postmodernism style are purified and distinctive defined textures and repetitive structures, symbols, and then elements borrowed from comics and cartoons…

The theme of this painting is a portrait of some universal fictional person. Before the idea for creating this painting popped up in my head, I created several drawings with the similar theme. They were inspired by the coiffure of the famous musician Björk Guðmundsdóttir from Island. It reminded me on Walt Disney’s character Mickey Mouse. Disney had always been one of my most favorite artists in the filed of cartoons and comics. His creations, characters, animations, cartoons, movies had significantly influenced my art work. I used to spend most of the day mesmerized with his artwork, together with art of Leonardo da Vinci, Rembrandt, Van Gogh, Picasso, and other masters.
The fictional character created on my painting is obviously symbolic. It represents some universal contemplative and absolute state, which is ultimately peaceful and calm. This state is a symbol for absolute universal centered state of harmony and balance, where everything is perfect.
The cupola of the character’s “hair”, or her-his hat, is intriguing enough to be considered a trigger for carefully selecting the adequate title for this painting – Black Mickey.