Big Cloud, oil painting is a segment of my art work. Art technique used for creating the painting belongs to a group of traditional techniques. There are other techniques I use which are part of the same group of techniques, like drawing, watercolor painting, miniature art etc.
Bowie Eyes
Bowie Eyes, or full title Ich, is a segment of my art work crated in traditional oil on canvas technique in 1995.
Bowie Painting
Bowie Painting, or just “Bowie”, is part of serial of paintings with the similar title and they refer in some way to a musician David Bowie. But, the point is, those paintings are not paintings about the music star. There are some details on those artworks that could refer to him. They are created in oil on canvas technique which is a segment of my art work.
Iman (or Twins) is oil painting created in traditional art technique which is a segment of my art work. Continue reading “Iman”
Double Portrait
Double Portrait is segment of my art work created as oil on canvas, a traditional art technique.
Lapels, oil on canvas painting, a segment of my art work is created in traditional art technique which I use equally with other techniques, like new media art techniques.
No Name
No Name is oil on canvas painting; this artistic technique is part of my art work.
German Painting
German Painting is created in oil on canvas traditional art technique, and it is a segment of my art work. I also use other techniques, which are not traditional, like many wonderful and inspiring new media art techniques.
Mexican Painting
Mexican Painting, a segment of my art work, created in traditional art technique is created as oil on canvas. The format of the painting is large and it is created in my postmodernist art or postmodernism phase.
Swedish Painting
Swedish Painting is a part of a group of art works – oil paintings exhibited in 1996 at my solo exhibition at the Gallery of Fine Arts in Belgrade, Serbia as a part of my final exam of my Master of Fine Arts studies.