Iman (or Twins) is oil painting created in traditional art technique which is a segment of my art work.
It was created in postmodernist art or postmodernism style. The typical characteristics in my version of this style are pure bright colors, dog-tooth pattern, fictional characters created in cartoonish style, other elements borrowed from cartoons, then clouds, etc.
This painting belongs to a group of paintings which consists of few other artworks which have a word Bowie in their titles. This is the name of famous musician David Bowie. The paintings are not about him, but have some details that reminded me to the music star, so I named the paintings in that way.
The painting is rather small. It was interesting for me to divide the canvas’s format in two almost equal parts. Then, I have created almost two identical paintings with almost identical motifs.

The painting also consists one amusing detail that I like to explore. The eyes of the fictional cartoonish characters created on the painting are “looking” at the observer of the object of art. They reflect the observer’s energy and emphasize the concept of the interaction between the observer and the artwork. It is in the same time some kind of exchange between the author of the work of art and the person observing it. On this painting there are two pairs of eyes “looking” at the art observer.
The painting can stay as it is with its title and remain being the element of the same group of paintings. But, it can also be given completely different title. Or, it can exist without the title. Each of those suggestions is attractive for me. The title about twins or eyes, or no title at all, is just fine for me. It is fine to remain as it is.