Oil painting Autumn Landscape is created in traditional art technique and is a segment of my art work. New media artworks which are not part of traditional media are also element of my artistic production.
Autumn Landscape
The painting is created in a later phase of my postmodernist art or postmodernism style and some typical elements of this style are present here. Those elements are: dog-tooth pattern and symbolic images. Color palette is not so intensive, colors are not entirely purified, and some peaceful atmosphere is flowing throughout the scene.
The theme of the painting is some imaginary landscape.

One of my favorite artistic methods is implemented here. It is a concept about perspective. I was following the instructions from Leonardo da Vinci’s famous renaissance manuscript “Trattato della pittura”. It was explained in the manuscript that the object we are observing which is more distant from our eyes is less intensive in color, the nuance of the color gets colder and the object appears to have more rounded shape then the object which is near us.
It was very interesting and funny idea for me to play with Leonardo’s principles. After all, it is all about play, and art is a perfect playground. There is infinite number of potentials, or perspectives, or directions, as a result of our choice of what kind of play we would like to take part in.
Some of the choices are settled safely inside our comfort zone. It is really very good solution. However many times we need to make choices that seem not to be so safe. But, it is still OK.
In the world of art artists like to play outside the comfort zone almost all the time. They are curious to taste how it feels. They are not only curious, but also they have natural impulse that making such choices is in fact empowering and has a healing impact.
There are so many opportunities for artist to play outside the comfort zone. Of course, art lovers are more then welcome to join the play and see if there is something valuable in this adventure.
Maybe this painting can uncover how it feels to exist in the field of pure artistic energy – a painting with such a romantic title, Autumn Landscape.